Asymptotic consistent formulation and numerical methods for the periodic Zakharov system in the subsonic limit regime
主 讲 人 :何颖 博士后
地 点 :理科群1号楼D311
In this work, we analyze the asymptotic consistent formulation (ACF) for the periodic Zakharov system (ZS) in the subsonic limit, where the dimensionless parameter $\eps$ approaches zero, signifying an increase in acoustic speed. The primary focus is to determine the optimal asymptotic order of the functions involved in the ACF as $\eps\to0$, for various types of initial data. A high-order extension of ACF is proposed. Additionally, multiscale integrators based on ACF are proposed, and their uniform accuracy and asymptotic-preserving properties are discussed. Numerical experiments are conducted to illustrate the performance of these schemes and explore the convergence of the ZS in the subsonic limit. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the asymptotic behavior of the periodic Zakharov system (ZS) has been rigorously analyzed. Our results show that the behavior of periodic ZS in the subsonic limit is different from that of the ZS in the whole space.
何颖,清华大学博士后。2023年博士毕业于武汉大学,师从赵晓飞教授。目前,在清华大学与北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院联合开展博士后研究,合作导师为苏春梅教授和吴劲松教授。她的主要研究方向包括偏微分方程的数值解法和高振荡问题的多尺度算法。现主持中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项,并在《Journal of Scientific Computing》《Communications in Computational Physics》《East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics》等计算数学领域的专业期刊上发表了6篇SCI论文。