From intermediate factor theorems to splitting of tensor products
主 讲 人 :江永乐 副教授
地 点 :腾讯会议:524-148-253 密码:241220
Classical intermediate factor theorems establish settings of measure-class preserving maps $G\curvearrowright Y$ and $G\curvearrowright X$ such that every G-intermediate factor Q with $Y\times X\rightarrow Q\rightarrow Y$ splits as a product of Y and a factor of X. These can be viewed naturally as a splitting of tensor products phenomenon in Operator Algebras. In this talk, we present some new results on this splitting in C$^*$-algebras. Based on joint work with Amrutam Tattwamasi.
江永乐, 大连理工大学7003至尊全讯副教授,主要从事算子代数和遍历论相关的研究工作. 目前研究兴趣为具有特殊性质的von Neumann子代数和连续轨道等价刚性.