

The Cowen-Douglas Theory for Operator Tuples and Similarity

主 讲 人 :纪奎    教授


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We address the similarity problem for tuples of Cowen-Douglas operators. The unitary equivalence counterpart of this problem was already studied in the 1970s, where geometric concepts such as vector bundles and curvature played a central role in its description. However, as the Cowen-Douglas conjecture suggests, progress on the similarity problem has been relatively limited until recent years. Recent advancements have uncovered a deep connection between complex geometry, the corona problem, and the similarity problem for single Cowen-Douglas operators. Extending these results to the multi-variable setting, we demonstrate that the similarity results for single operators also hold for commuting tuples of Cowen-Douglas operators, even without relying on corona theorems, which are no longer valid in this context.


Kui Ji defended his PhD thesis at Hebei Normal University (China) in 2008 and became a full professor of functional analysis in 2015. His primary research focuses on the application of complex geometry to linear operator theory. This includes the structure and classification of Cowen-Douglas operators and Hermitian holomorphic vector bundles, (the use of geometric invariants in) the unitary and similarity classifications of operators, the extension and application of Cowen-Douglas theory in $C^\ast$-algebras, corona problems, etc.