办公电话: 0311-80787202
E - mail: lpyuan@mail.hebtu.edu.cn
来校时间: 1995
1973年5月生,理学博士(中国),自然科学博士(德国),教授,博士生导师,民进会员,7003至尊全讯院长。中国数学会常务理事、组织工作委员会委员、教育工作委员会委员,中国数学会数学教育分会常务理事,中国数学会图论与组合数学专业委员会委员;中国工业与应用数学学会理事,中国工业与应用数学学会图论组合及应用专业委员会委员;教育部高等学校大学数学课程教学指导委员会工作委员;河北省数学会副理事长兼秘书长。 主要从事离散与组合几何学的研究工作,曾在北京大学、美国罗格斯大学、奥本大学、匈牙利科学院等地做访问学者,与美国、德国、匈牙利、罗马尼亚等国同行保持长期密切合作,在国内外同行中具有一定影响。在国际学术会议上做学术报告近20余次,在第八届世界华人数学家大会(ICCM2019)上做45分钟邀请报告。主持国家自然科学基金项目7项,省部级项目10余项,国家外专局高端外国专家项目4项,并先后得到了德国ZAV(Zentralstelle fuer Arbeitsvermittlung)、WUS(World University Service, Germany)提供的优秀回国专家科研项目资助;发表学术论文60余篇,合作出版译著1部。先后入选教育部新世纪优秀人才、河北省高校百名优秀创新人才、河北省优秀回国人员、河北省优秀教学团队带头人、河北省教学名师;获霍英东教育基金会第十二届高等院校青年教师奖、河北省杰出青年科学基金、河北省自然科学奖二等奖(第一完成人)、河北省教学成果二等奖(第一完成人)。
2019/07至今, 河北师范大学,7003至尊全讯,教授、院长
2015/12-2016/05,美国奥本大学, 数学与统计学院, 访问教授
2013/04-2013/10,匈牙利科学院,Alfréd Rényi 数学研究所,访问学者
2008/03-2008/04,巴基斯坦GC University Lahore,数学系,访问教授
1. 国家自然科学基金项目7项,其中面上项目4项(2023/01-2026/12,2019/01-2022/12,2015/01-2018/12,2011/01-2013/12);青年基金1项(2008/01-2010/12);数学天元基金2项(2019,2006)
2. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2011/01-2013/12)
3. 河北省杰出青年科学基金项目(2014/01-2016/12)
4. 河北省高校百名优秀创新人才支持计划(2010/01-2012/12)
5. 河北省高等学校高层次人才科学研究项目(2014/01-2016/12)
6. 河北省自然科学基金项目2项(2012/01-2014/12,2007/01-2009/12)
7. 河北省博士基金项目(2004/01-2006/12)
8. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目(2008/01-2010/10)
9. 河北省留学回国人员优秀科技项目(2007/01-2009/12)
10. 德国WUS优秀回国专家资助项目(2009/01-2010/12)
11. 德国ZAV优秀回国专家资助项目(2006/08-2007/01)
12. 国家外专局高端外国专家项目4项(2015/01-2015/12,2014/01-2014/12,2013/01-2013/12,2012/01-2012/12)
13. 河北省外专百人项目(2021/01-2022/12)
14. 河北省引进国外智力项目4项(2021/01-2021/12,2020/01-2020/12,2019/01-2019/12,2014/01-2014/12)
1. 2022年获河北省教学名师
2. 2020年获河北省优秀教学团队带头人
3. 2019年获河北省优秀回国人员
4. 2019年获河北省教学成果二等奖(第一完成人)
5. 2016年获河北省自然科学奖二等奖(第一完成人)
6. 2010年获霍英东教育基金会第十二届高等院校青年教师奖(三等奖)
7. 2005年获河北省自然科学奖三等奖(第三完成人)
1. Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Yanxue Zhang, Tetrahedral Cages for Unit Discs, Adv. Geom. 21 (3) (2021), 337-342.
2. Bo Wang, Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Poidge-Convexity, J. Convex Anal. 28 (4) (2021) 1155-1170.
3. Augustin Fruchard, Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Generous sets, J. Convex Anal. 28 (4) (2021), 1265-1280.
4. Jin-ichi Itoh, Costin Vilcu, Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Locating diametral points, Results Math. 75 (2020), no. 2, Paper No. 68, 11 pp.
5. András Bezdek, Liping Yuan, Short chains in circle and in square coverings. Beitr. Algebra Geom. 61 (1) (2020), 129-137.
6. Matthias Schymura, Liping Yuan, A note on discrete lattice-periodic sets with an application to Archimedean tilings, Beitr. Algebra Geom, 60 (4) (2019), 749-759.
7. Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Tetrahedra and pentahedral cages for discs, Ars Math. Contemp. 17 (1) (2019), 255-270.
8. Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Yue Zhang, Selfishness of convex bodies and discrete point sets, European J. Combin. 80 (2019), 416-431.
9. Dejing Lv, Senlin Wu, Liping Yuan, Covering the boundary of a convex body with its smaller homothetic copies, Discrete Math. 342 (2) (2019), 393-404.
10. Ying Chai, Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Rupert Property of Archimedean Solids, Am. Math. Mon. 125 (6) (2018), 497-504.
11. Dandan Li, Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Right quadruple convexity, Ars Math. Contemp.14 (2018), 25-38.
12. Qingdan Du, Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, The Katchalski–Lewis transversal problem for regular polygons, Acta Math. Hungar. 155 (1) (2018), 104-129.
13. Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Yue Zhang, Isosceles triple convexity, Carpathian J. Math. 33 (1) (2017), 127-139.
14. Richard P. Jerrard, John E. Wetzel, Liping Yuan, Platonic Passages, Math. Mag. 90 (2017) 87-98.
15. Zhikui Chang Liping Yuan, Archimedean tiling graphs with Gallai’s property, An. Ştiinţ. Univ. "Ovidius'' Constanţa Ser. Mat. 25 (2) (2017), 185-199.
16. Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Selfishness of convex bodies, J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 18 (3) (2017) , 525-534.
17. Liping Yuan, Carol T. Zamfirescu, Tudor I. Zamfirescu, Dissecting the square into five congruent parts, Discrete Math. 339 (2016), 288-298.
18. Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Right triple convexity, J. Convex Anal. 23 (2016), 1219-1246.
19. Liping Yuan, Acute Triangulations of Rectangles, with Angles Bounded Below, Convexity and discrete geometry including graph theory, 37-46, Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 148, Springer, 2016.
20. Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Right triple convex completion, J. Convex Anal. 22 (2015) No. 1, 291-301.
21. Xiao Feng, Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Acute triangulations of Archimedean surfaces. The truncated tetrahedron, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, 58 (106) No.3 (2015), 271-282.
22. Imre Bárány, Liping Yuan, Volumes of convex lattice polytopes and a question of V. I. Arnold, Acta Math. Hungar. 144 (2014) No. 1, 119-131.
23. Lijie Jia, Liping Yuan, Carol T. Zamfirescu, Tudor I. Zamfirescu, Banlanced triangulations, Discrete Math. 313 (2013), no. 20, 2178-2191.
24. Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Acute triangulations of double planar convex bodies, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 5097 (2012), 121-126.
25. Zhanjun Su, Sipeng Li, Jian Shen, Liping Yuan, On the relative distances of nine or ten points in the boundary of a plane convex body, Discrete Appl. Math. 160 (2012), no. 3, 303-305.
26. Penghao Cao, Liping Yuan, A Blichfeldt-type theorem for H-points, Amer. Math. Monthly 118 (2011), no. 8, 743-746.
27. Xiao Feng, Liping Yuan, Acute Triangulations of the Cuboctahedral Surface. Computational geometry, graphs and applications, 73-83, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 7033, Springer, Heidelberg, 2011.
28. Liping Yuan, Acute triangulations of trapezoids, Discrete Appl. Math. 158 (10) (2010), 1121-1125.
29. Liping Yuan, Acute triangulations of pentagons, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, 53 (101) No.4 (2010), 393-410.
30. Jin-ichi Itoh, Liping Yuan, Acute triangulations of flat tori, European J. Combin. 30 (2009), no. 1, 1-4.
31. Liping Yuan, Tudor Zamfirescu, Acute triangulations of Flat Mobius strips, Discrete Comput. Geom. 37 (2007), 671-676.
32. Liping Yuan, Yevgenya Movshovich, Ren Ding, Fitting triangles into rectangles, Discrete geometry, combinatorics and graph theory, 253-258, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 4381, Springer, Berlin, 2007.
33. Liping Yuan, Carol T. Zamfirescu, Acute triangulations of double quadrilaterals, Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. Sez. B Artic. Ric. Mat. (8) 10 (2007), no. 3, bis, 933-938.
34. Liping Yuan, Ren Ding, Box for triangles of diameter one, The Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 90, No. 519 (2006), 492-496.
35. Liping Yuan, Ren Ding, The smallest triangular cover for triangles of diameter one, J. Appl. Math. Comput. 17 (2005), no. 1-2, 39-48.
36. Liping Yuan, Acute triangulations of polygons, Discrete Comput. Geom. 34 (2005), no. 4, 697-706.