

NSF Center at TSU and its Mathematical Research in Wireless Networks

发布时间:2017-05-19   浏览次数:0

    In this presentation, the speaker will briefly introduce the major aspects of NSF CREST Research Center at TSU in the research of energy efficient wireless sensor networks, the unban transportation environmental networks and distributed computational networks, and in the education and the technology transform components. The presentation will also include Center’s management, and its concentration on the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education programs, as well as its measurement of success. As a showcase of research accomplishments, the speaker will present two recent mathematical research results. One is in bandwidth adaptation of wireless networks by using network reversible process property. This research verifies the mathematical product-form solution of whole wireless network and further reveals the importance of single-cell research in wireless networks. Another research is in call admission control based billing strategies by using the method of Markov decision process. This research verifies the optimal admission threshold policy for new generated data and then provides a novel method in resolving dynamic optimal problems in wireless networks. As a potential collaboration with related scholars, the speaker will discuss a few challenging problems in the areas which may need to be paid attention in the near future. Finally, the speaker will present on how the current research be linked to the short range wireless communications for connected vehicle to vehicle networks.

    Dr. Wei Li is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Texas Southern University (TSU), Houston, USA. He is also the founding Director/PI of NSF Center for Research on Complex Networks at TSU, one of 27 active NSF Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) in 2017. Before joining TSU, Dr. Li was an Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Toledo, USA, an Associate Professor in the Department of Operations Research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at Hebei Normal College, China. His research interests are in wireless sensor networks and mobile ad hoc networks; adaptation, design, and implementation of dynamic models for wireless and mobile networks; radio resource allocations in wireless multimedia networks; and mobile and high-performance computing etc. He is the author/co-author of 5 books and over 150 peer-reviewed papers in professional journals and the proceedings of conferences, including IEEE TC, IEEE TWC, IEEE TVT, IEEE/ACM TN, IEEE JSAC, AAP, JAP and INFOCOM et al. During last ten years, his research activities have been supported as PI by five NSF Research Grants, two AFOSR Grants and one Industry Project. He is currently serving as an Editor for three professional journals, is serving or has served as a Steering Committee Member/ General Co-Chair/ TPC Co-Chair/ Publicity Chair/ Session Chair/ TPC members respectively for a number of professional conferences, such as INFOCOM, Globecom, ICC, and WCNC et al.