E - mail: lwmingg@sina.com
1963年12月出生,男,汉族,内蒙古商都人。理学博士,河北师范大学数学与信息科学学院教授, 博士生导师。 1980~1984年,内蒙古大学数学系学生,获理学学士学位。1984~1986年,内蒙古化德二中教师。1986~1989年,内蒙古大学数学系硕士研究生,获理学硕士学位。1989~1994年,河北师范学院数学系任教。1994~1997年,中山大学数学系博士研究生,获理学博士学位。1997年始,先后任河北师范大学数学与信息科学学院副教授,教授,从事教学与科研工作,研究方向为调和分析。 1993年作为主研人参加的科研项目“微分算子的谱理论”获教育部科技进步二等奖,1992年起任Matnematical Reviews评论员。
1. Li Wenming, The higher order differential operators in direct sum spaces, J. Differential Equations, 1990, 84(2): 273-289.
2. Li Wenming, Two-weight norm inequalities for commutators of potential type integral operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2006, 322: 1215-1223.
3. Li Wenming, Lu hanzhen, Mo Huixia, The boundedness for commutators of multipliers, Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, 2007, 23(1): 113-122.
4. 李文明, 分数次积分算子的双权弱型赋范不等式,数学学报,2007,50(4):851-856.
5. Li Wenming, Weghted inequalities for commutators of potential type operators, J.Korean Math.Soc., 44(2007),.6: 1233-1241.
6. Li Wenming, John-Nirenberg type inequalities for the Morrey-Campanato Spaces, J. Inequal.Appl., Vol. 2008, Art.ID 239414,5 pages.
7. Li Wenming, Two-weight norm inequalities for multilinear potential type integral operators, Math. Nachr., 2008, 281(6): 839-846.
8. Li Wenming, Qi Jin-yun, Zhang Ya-jing, Two-weight weak-type inequalities for potential type operators, Applied Math. A J. Chinese Univ., 2008, 23: 313-318.
9. Li Wenming, Hu Yueqiang, A Two-weight weak type inequalities for multilinear fractional integrals, Advances Math.(China), 2008, 37:710-719.
10. Li Wenming,Yu Xiaowu, Yan Xuefang, Weighted estimates for commutators of potential operators on spaces of homogeneous type, Anal.Theory Appl., 2009, 25(1): 55-70.
11. Li Wenming, Yan Xuefang, Yu Xiaowu, Two-weight Inequalities for commutators of potential operators on spaces of homogeneous type, Potential Anal., 2009, 31(2):117-131.
12. Li Wenming, Xue Limei and Yan Xuefang, Sharp maximal function estimate and weighted inequalities for maximal multilinear singular integrals, Anal.Theory Appl., 2011, 27(1): 158- 166.
13. Li Wenming, Xue Limei and Yan Xuefang, Two-weight inequalities for multilinear maximal operators, Georgian Math. J., 2012, 19(1): 145-156.
14. Yan Xuefang, Xue Limei, Li Wenming, Weighted endpoint estimates for commutators of multilinear fractional integral operators , Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 62 (137) (2012), 347–359.