1958年9月生,男,汉族,河北省容城人,中共党员,教授,理学博士学位,博士生导师。主要从事典型群、代数组合论、组合优化的研究工作, 已在《Communications in Algebra》、《Linear algebra and its applications》、《European Journal of Combinatorics》、《Discrete Mathematics》、《Advances in Geometry》、《Finite Fields and Their Applications》、《Journal of Global Optimization》、《Journal of Computational Biology》、《Theoretical Computer Science》等国内外核心期刊上发表研究论文60余篇,其中SCI文章42篇。
2001年3月—2003年12月, 哈尔滨工业大学,获理学博士学位;
1989年9月—1992年6月, 东北师范大学,获理学硕士学位;
1978年9月—1982年6月, 河北师范学院,本科,获理学学士学位。
2009年3月至今, 河北师范大学博士生导师;
1. 国家自然科学基金:距离正则图研究的若干代数方法(No. 11471097) ,2015年—2018年,主持人;
2. 国家自然科学基金:距离正则图及其应用(No.10971052),2010年—2012年,主持人;
3. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金:与代数组合有关的t设计与Terwilliger代数(No. 20121303110005), 2013年—2015年,主持人
4. 河北省自然科学基金:距离正则图与环在图中的应用(No.A2005000141),2005年—2007年,主持人;
5. 河北省自然科学基金:距离正则图与Pooling设计(No.A2008000128), 2008年—2010年,主持人;
6. 河北省留学人员科技活动项目择优资助项目: Pooling设计中的代数方法,2010年-2012年,主持人;
国际期刊《Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications》编委。
[1] The Terwilliger algebras of Johnson graphs,Linear Algebras and its applications, 443 (2014) 164–183 (SCI)第一作者
[2]The traces associated with a sharp tridiagonal system, Linear Algebra and its Applications 457 (2014) 1–11 (SCI)通讯作者
[3] The Leonard triples extended from given Leonard pairs of Bannai/Ito type, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2014, 62(8), 1091–1104,(SCI)通讯作者
[4] Totally bipartite Leonard pairs and totally bipartite Leonard triples of q-Racah type, Linear algebra and its applications, 448 (2014) 168–204 (SCI)通讯作者
[5] The classification of Leonard triples of Racah type, Linear Algebras and its applications, 2013, 439(7): 1836-1861, (SCI)第一作者
[6]The classification of Leonard triples that have Bannai-Ito type and odd diameter, Linear Algebras and its applications, 2013, 439(9): 2667–2691, (SCI) 通讯作者
[7] q-Inverting pairs of shape (1, 2, 1),Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2013, 61(10): 1307-1328, (SCI)通讯作者
[8] Leonard pairs and Leonard triples of q-Racah type from the quantum algebra Uq(sl2), Communications in Algebra, 2013, 41(10): 3762-3774 (SCI)通讯作者
[9] The shape of some linear transformations,Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2010, 433,2088-2095. (SCI)通讯作者
[10] The structure of some linear transformations, Linear algebra and its applications,437(9) (2012),2110-2116。(SCI)通讯作者
[11] Some properties of Hessenberg pairs, Linear algebra and its applications,2011, 435,1986-1993. (SCI) 通讯作者
[12] The traces associated with a sharp tridiagonal system, Linear Algebra and its Applications 457 (2014) 1–11 (SCI)通讯作者
[13] The classification of Leonard triples that have Bannai-Ito type and even diameter, to appear in Communications in Algebra. (SCI) 通讯作者
[14] Lattices generated by Join of Strongly Closed Subgraphs in d-bounded distance-regular graphs, Discrete mathematics, 308(10)(2008), 1921-1929. (SCI)通讯作者
[15]Subspaces in d-bounded Distance-regular Graphs and their Applications, European Journal of Combinatorics, 29(3 )(2008), 592-600. (SCI)第一作者
[16] Note on lattices generated by subgraphs in d-bounded distance-regular graphs, Discrete mathematics, 308,(2008), 5260-5264.(SCI) 第二作者
[17] Lattices generated by strongly closed subgraphs in d-bounded distance-regular graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics, 28(2007), 1800-1813. (SCI)第一作者
[18] A distance regular graph of type E1Ed, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2000, 45(18):1656-1658.(SCI)第一作者
[19] Vanishing conditions on parameters for P(Q)-polynomial association schemes. Discrete mathematics, 2001,238:53-60. (SCI) 第一作者
[20] A construction of distance-regular graphs from subspaces in d-bounded distance-regular graphs, ARS Combinatoria, 2011, 98: 135-148. (SCI)第一作者
[21] The classification of finite-dimensional irreducible modules of Bannai/Ito algebra, to appear in Communications in Algebra. (SCI) 通讯