办公电话: 0311-80787200
E - mail: houbo1969@163.com
研究领域: 量子群与代数组合
来校时间: 2001年
1969年7月11日生人,男,汉族,天津市人。理学博士,硕士生导师。 1987~1991年,河北师范学院数学系,本科;1991~1994年,河北师范大学数学系,硕士研究生,获理学硕士学位;2003~2006年,首都师范大学,数学系,博士研究生,获理学博士学位。1994~2001年,在河北经贸大学任教;2001年至今在河北师范大学任教。
1. 主持和参加科研项目
(1) 主持省自然科学基金资助科研课题两项:
(2) 主持校重点基金资助科研课题一项:
(3) 参加国家自然科学基金资助科研课题三项:
(4) 参加高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目在研一项:
《与代数组合有关的t-设计与Terwilliger 代数》(20121303110005),第二主研人。
(5) 参加省自然科学基金资助科研课题两项:
2. 获河北省科学技术奖自然科学奖两项:
(1) 《结合方案与有限典型群几何的研究》,2015年,二等奖,第三完成人;
(2) 《Terwilliger 代数的表示及其应用》,2018年,三等奖,第二完成人。
3. 出版著作一部
(1) 《距离正则图及其相关代数》,科学出版社,2017,第二作者。
4. 公开发表学术论文代表作:
(01) Bo Hou,Suogang Gao*,The shape of some linear transformations. Linear Algebras and its applications, 2010, 433(11-12): 2088—2095, SCI
(02) Bo Hou,Suogang Gao*,Some properties of sharp Hessenberg pairs,Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2011, 435(8), 1987—1996, SCI
(03) Bo Hou,Suogang Gao*,The structure of some linear transformations. Linear Algebras and its applications, 2012, 437(9): 2110—2116. SCI
(04) Bo Hou, Suogang Gao*, Leonard pairs and Leonard triples of q-Racah type from the quantum algebra Uq(sl2), Communications in Algebra, 2013, 41(10), 3762—3774. SCI
(05) Na Kang, Bo Hou, Suogang Gao*, q-inverting pairs of shape 1,2,1, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2013, 61(10): 1307-1328. SCI
(06) Suogang Gao, Yan wang, Bo Hou*, Classification of Leonard triples of Racah type, 2013, 439(7): 1836—1861. SCI
(07) Bo Hou, Lijuan Wang, Suogang Gao*, The classification of Leonard triples that have BannaiIto type and odd diameter, Linear Algebras and its applications, 2013, 439(9), 439(9): 2667—2691. SCI
(08) Suogang Gao, Liwei Zhang, Bo Hou*, The Terwilliger algebras of Johnson graphs, Linear Algebras and its applications, 2014, 443, 164—183. SCI
(09) Bo Hou, Jing Wang, Suogang Gao*, Totally bipartite Leonard pairs and totally bipartite Leonard triples of q-Racah type, Linear Algebras and its applications, 2014,448, 168—204. SCI
(10) Na Kang, Bo Hou, Suogang Gao*, The traces associated with a sharp tridiagonal system, Linear Algebras and its applications, 2014, 457, 1—11. SCI
(11) Bo Hou, Liwei Zhang, Suogang Gao*, The Leonard triples extended from given Leonard pairs of Bannai/Ito type, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2014, 62(8), 1091—1104. SCI
(12) Bo Hou, Longmei Yang, Suogang Gao*, Affine transformations of a sharp tridiagonal pair, Linear Algebras and its applications, 2014, 462, 16—38. SCI
(13) Bo Hou, Suogang Gao*, Hypercube and Tetrahedron algebra, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 2015, 36(2), 293—306. SCI
(14) Bo Hou, Yanhua Liu, Suogang Gao*, The Leonard triples having classical type, Linear Algebras and its applications, 2015, 467: 202—225. SCI
(15) Xiaojuan Gao, Suogang Gao, Bo Hou*, The Terwilliger algebras of Grassman graphs, Linear Algebras and its applications, 2015, 471: 427—448. SCI
(16) Bo Hou, Yuchun Xu, Suogang Gao*, The classification of Leonard triples of Bannai/Ito type with even diameters, Communications in Algebra, 2015, 43(09): 3776 – 3798. SCI
(17) Huan Liu, Bo Hou, Suogang Gao*, Leonard triples, the Racah algebra, and some distance-regular graphs of Racah type, Linear Algebras and its applications, 2015, 484: 435—456. SCI
(18) Na Kang, Bo Hou, Suogang Gao*, Leonard triples of Krawtchouk type, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2015, 63(12): 2341—2358. SCI
(19) Sha Chang, Suogang Gao, Bo Hou*, The Leonard triples with quantum parameter being not a unit root, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2015, 63(12): 2546—2560. SCI
(20) Bo Hou, Meng Wang, Suogang Gao*, The classification of finite-dimensional irreducible modules of Bannai-Ito algebra, Communications in Algebra, 2016, 44(3): 919—943. SCI
(21) Man Sang, Suogang Gao, Bo Hou*, Leonard pairs and quantum algebra Uq(sl2). Linear Algebras and its applications, 2016, 510: 346—360, SCI
(22) Yan wang, Bo Hou, Suogang Gao*, Leonard triples extended from a given totally almost bipartite Leonard pair of Bannai/Ito type, Linear Algebras and its applications, 2017, 519: 111—135. SCI
(23) Yan wang, Bo Hou, Suogang Gao*, Totally almost bipartite Leonard pairs and Leonard triples of q-Racah type, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2017, 65: 235—255. SCI
(24) Lihang Hou, Bo Hou, Suogang Gao*, The Folded (2D+1)-cube and Its Uniform Posets, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 2018, 34(2): 281—292. SCI
(25) Lina Bu, Bo Hou, Suogang Gao*, The classification of finite dimensional irreducible modules of the Racah algebra, Communications in Algebra, 2019, 47(5): 1869–1891. SCI
(26) Lihang Hou, Yali Song, Bo Hou*, A note on the algebra Uq(sl2), Communications in Algebra, 2019, 47(5): 2220–2226. SCI
(27) Xue Li, Bo Hou, Suogang Gao*, Tridiagonal pairs of type III, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 2019, 35, 555–582. SCI
(28) Bo Hou, Juan Zhao, Lihang Hou*, Classical Leonard pairs having LB TD form, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2020, 68(3): 622–634. SCI
(29) Lihang Hou, Bo Hou, Suogang Gao*, Wei-Hsuan Yu, New code upper bounds for the folded n-cube, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 2020, 172: 105182. SCI
(30) Bo Hou, Yunjing Shan, Suogang Gao*, The Hilton–Milner theorem for attenuated spaces, Discrete Mathematics, 2020, 343: 112120. SCI
(31) Yi Tian, Lihang Hou, Bo Hou, Suogang Gao*, D-magic labelings of the folded n-cube, Discrete Mathematics, 2021, 344: 112520 SCI
(32) Lihang Hou, Bo Hou, Na Kang, Suogang Gao, The Terwilliger algebra of the halved n-cube from the viewpoint of its automorphism group action, European Journal of Combinatorics, 2022, 101: 103480. SCI
(33) Jing Li, Yan Wang, Bo Hou, Weidong Gao, Suogang Gao*, Non-Bipartite Distance-Regular Graphs with Diameters 5, 6 and a Smallest Eigenvalue, Graphs and Combinatorics, 2022, 38: 55. SCI
(01) Bo Hou, Panpan Shen, Ran Zhang, Suogang Gao, On the non-existence of tight Gaussian 6-designs on two concentric spheres, Discrete Mathematics, 2013, 313(12): 1002—1010. SCI.
(02) Hong Yue, Bo Hou, Suogang Gao, Note on the tight relative 2-designs on H(n, 2), Discrete Mathematics 338 (2015) 196—208. SCI
(01) Yuezhong Zhang, Lihang Hou, Bo Hou, Weili Wu, Ding-Zhu Du, Suogang Gao*, On the metric dimension of the folded n-cube, Optimization Letters, 2020, 14: 249–257. SCI
(02) Shaojing Du, Suogang Gao, Bo Hou, Wen Liu*, An Approximation Algorithm For submodular hitting set problem with linear penalties, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2020, 40: 1065–1074. SCI
(03) Xin Hou, Wen Liu, Bo Hou*, An approximation algorithm for the k-prize-collecting multicut on a tree problem, Theoretical Computer Science, 2020, 844: 26–33. SCI
(04) Xiaozhi Wang, Xianyue Li, Bo Hou, Wen Liu, Lidong Wu, Suogang Gao*, A greedy algorithm for the fault-tolerant outer-connected dominating set problem, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2021, 41: 118–127. SCI
(05) Yufei Huang, Bo Hou, Wen Liu, Lidong Wu, Stephen Rainwater, Suogang Gao*, On approximation algorithm for the edge metric dimension problem, Theoretical Computer Science, 2021, 853: 2–6. SCI
(06) Chenfei Hou, Suogang Gao, Wen Liu, Weili Wu, Ding-Zhu Du, Bo Hou*, An approximation algorithm for the submodular multicut problem in trees with linear penalties, Optimization Letters, 2021, 15: 1105–1112. SCI
(07) Jiawen Gao, Suogang Gao, Wen Liu, Weili Wu, Ding-Zhu Du, Bo Hou*, An approximation algorithm For the k-generalized Steiner forest problem, Optimization Letters, 2021, 15: 1475–1483. SCI
(08) Xin Wang, Suogang Gao, Bo Hou, Lidong Wu, Wen Liu*, Approximation algorithms for the submodular edge cover problem with submodular penalties, Theoretical Computer Science, 2021, 871: 26–133. SCI
(09) Xiaodan Jia, Bo Hou, Wen Liu*, An approximation algorithm for the generalized prize-collecting Steiner forest problem with submodular penalties, Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 2022, 10: 183–192.
(10) Hongye Zheng, Suogang Gao, Wen Liu, Weili Wu, Ding-Zhu Du, Bo Hou*, Approximation algorithm for the parallel-machine scheduling problem with release dates and submodular rejection penalties, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2022, 44: 343–353. SCI
(11) Jiaxuan Zhang, Suogang Gao, Bo Hou, Wen Liu*, An approximation algorithm for the group prize-collecting Steiner tree problem with submodular penalties, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2022, 41:274. SCI
(12) Mengmeng He, Bo Hou, Wen Liu, Weili Wu, Ding-Zhu Du, Suogang Gao*,A greedy algorithm for the connected positive influence dominating set in k-regular graphs, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 2022, 18(6): 2461–2478. SCI
(13) Hongye Zheng, Suogang Gao, Wen Liu, Bo Hou*, An approximation algorithm for the parallel-machine customer order scheduling with delivery time and submodular rejection penalties, Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, online, 2022.
(14) Jinshuang Guo, Wen Liu, Bo Hou*, An approximation algorithm for P-prize-collecting set cover problem, Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 2023, 11: 207–217.
(15) Jiaxuan Zhang, Suogang Gao, Bo Hou, Wen Liu*, An approximation algorithm for the clustered path travelling salesman problem, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, accepted. 2023. SCI